
Posts Tagged ‘The Hidden Evil’

Mark M. Rich

June 25, 2011 Comments off

unresolved collective-insanity – “…Your life has changed drastically. You will never look at people, or the American flag the same way again. You are directly experiencing a result of the primitive, unresolved collective-insanity, that you have heard of other historical figures running into. By now you have probably concluded that this is the same entity that has killed people who have recognized & resisted it throughout history. Its name changes from place to place, & from time to time. It expresses itself in different ways. But it is always the same; it is large & powerful & has the minds of most people. You are face to face with it in the form of Organized Stalking. It has focused its attention on you & it will not stop. At this point it doesn’t matter when or why it started, or what the name of the group or agency is. It would have happened anyway. You will end up jobless & Mobbed out of work. You may end up in jail or dead. You will loose friends & family. You may end up homeless, possibly living from shelter to shelter. And you will be persecuted the whole time. I am personally not very religious, but I know evil when I see it. You are in a fight for your life against people being used by Satan. There is no more accurate way to put this. It is necessary that you document your case & survive as long as you can, to provide testimony to anyone with eyes & ears. You are not alone…” (Mark’s letter to Targeted Individuals).

to torture & murder – It is a satanic & psychopathic mind: These people are psychopaths. They like to have power over everyone. They demand that all people submit to them. If their system (which among other things is a detection mechanism) identifies a person or group that doesn’t yield, then these individuals are attacked viciously. Their entertainment includes having agencies within their “system” detect people on the local level, & then using technology & institutions in the system to torture & murder them. If you want to know what specific families & organizations they are, look at the membership lists of the Order of Skull & Bones, the Bohemian Grove, & the Bilderberg Group. After considering these factors (& others if you are aware of how the system works), then what you may arrive at is simply this–one mind is using technology to attack another mind. There is another psychological factor here too. It’s the intended potentially devastating effect of having to consider that a colossal entity is attacking you. The “show of force” is a psychological attack intended to crush your spirit & get you to submit.(4) It is a military tactic (The War Against Me).

controlled like puppets – “…the Bilderbergers are philosophically neither Republican nor Democrat, declared Professor Marrs. “Their only ‘party’ is filthy lucre. … Money, in turn, brings them power, and these folks have a never satisfied appetite for raw power.” Apparently Gorbachev was influenced by the Bilderbergers and talked about a global union during a speaking tour in the United States. “Gorbachev’s speeches could have been dictated by Kissinger after being drafted by Rockefeller … as content was concerned,” charged Tucker. “Gorbachev held out the Bilderberg-Trilateral vision of a UN military force that could invade once-sovereign nations to enforce ‘human rights.'” “The New World Order means a new kind of civilization,” Gorbachev told the Chicago CFR on May 8, 1991. Regarding how President Clinton pushed the Bilderberger objective in 1999, Tucker wrote, “It appeared in daily newspapers for all to read, but too many sleep. The developments were celebrated by The Washington Post’s Bilderberg representative Jimmy Lee Hoagland in a column on June 27, 1999 … [When he proclaimed], ‘The president promises a future in which Americans stand ready to intervene militarily if they can stop wholesale racial or ethnic slaughter “within or beyond other nations’ borders” … He promises a new world order.'” The first American woman to attend a Bilderberg meeting was Hilary Clinton in 1997. Author Marrs senses they may have plans for her in the following years…Presidents and prime ministers are selected by the Bilderbergers and controlled like puppets. Bilderberg meetings are guarded by the military, SWAT teams, local police and private security firms. Like the CFR, their policy is passed without public approval. Their goal is to create a world government under their control, which will have the illusion of freedom. Their motives for establishing a global dictatorship using a fake democracy will be expanded upon when we examine a future chapter on psychopathy. Most are unaware of their existence due to a media blackout. Despite attending Bilderberg meetings, mainstream media owners have reported little on this group for over fifty years (The Bilderbergers).

corporate-fascist dictatorship – “Mark M. Rich or someone pretending to be him is alive and well….So this site will also serve as a record. It will be a testimony for anyone who wants to learn the truth about how the streets of the NATO nations were taken over by multi-national corporations, that used federally sponsored harassment groups to Gang Stalk their opposition, in order to pave the way for a corporate-fascist dictatorship. Mark has come to some of the same conclusions that I have in regards to the fact that Gang Stalkers are Civilian Informants as he calls them. I like to think of them as Snitches or Civilian Spies, but it’s almost all the same thing, we are getting followed around and destroyed no matter what you call them. He has come to the conclusion that it might not be just a subset of society, but “sub-culture within society, but that it literally permeates all aspects of it”, yeah the only thing we differ in here is that I would say that this is how society is. This is how society has been for some time now, if not always. Based on some things that I have seen and experienced, which I will discuss in another post. I don’t think that exposing this is the main problem. The snitches know that they are snitches, and like a cult or sorority are bound to this code of silence for so many reason. Anyways, there is so much that I have to blog about, so I will summarize Mark’s site in brief, but really go to the site and read it, he has put a lot of work into it. He says that the citizen informants are part of a the global one world government thing. A lot of the Gang Stalking stuff is exactly like what they did in Stasi Germany. This is how societies in the past turned evil, and that we are heading there again, if this is not exposed or stopped…” (The Hidden Evil).

Official Web-site: The Hidden Evil
New World War
Television is Used to Discredit Targeted Individuals
Your Elected Officials Can’t be Trusted
The Hidden Evil
State Sponsored Terror Campaigns